Portraits in the Snow

Perhaps the most surprising and satisfying thing I’ve found while doing my street photography (17 years and almost 2,000 people later) is the amount of trouble I’ve had. Or should I say the lack of it. It wouldn’t take two hands to count the number of people who have given me grief. And even then a couple of those might have been my fault. Nothing intentional or serious other than bad timing on my part.

So I would say most people are great! I’ve had a lot of really nice experiences but one thing I love to do most of all is to take portraits in the snow. Taking portraits on those days when large snow flakes are lazily falling and the light is just gorgeous is my cup of tea.

Below is a gallery of some of those portraits in the snow I’ve taken over the years.

Thanks for stopping by and if you’d like to get in touch with me my email is: Brian@BrianCareyPhotography.com

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